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Flexible     I     Insightful     I     Simple

Firms of all sizes, in virtually all sectors, are wrestling with the reporting burdens and bottom-line opportunities that ESG can provide.  While ESG factors are at times called non-financial, how a company manages them undoubtedly has measurably financial consequences.

Investors and external stakeholders need financially relevant and reliable information – and that means more than anecdotes and success stories


The Green2View platform helps you simplify the reporting process – GhG, Energy, Water, Waste, Renewable Energy, Social and Governance performance compared over timeframes and by business unit. 

  • Generate flexible and elegant sustainability reports for operational use and stakeholder engagement

  • Extensive capture and analysis of data provides insightful trends and information

  • Flexible custom reporting to address global reporting initiatives (UNGC, UNSDG’s, GRI Standards, TCFD, SASB); Board, management and investor oversight of ESG risk and strategy; address industry certification, export, and tender reporting requirements, whilst measuring the progress and success of key strategies and the extent of ESG impacts

  • Provide a strategic and transparent view of ESG practises, specifically as a vital connection point between individual companies and prospective investors

  • Demonstrate transparency and effective management and enhance your company's ability to attract long-term investment and favourable financing conditions

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